Sunday, 2 February 2014

Keep cookies and spies off your computer

No sooner have you purchased a new pair of shoes online than you’re suddenly seeing them
everywhere — primarily in banner ads across other sites gracing your computer
screen.Are you being tracked? In a word: yes. But there are steps you can take
to cover your internet tracks.The fact of the matter is that there are entire
lockers of data being gathered online by advertising agencies, from just about
every web surfer, whether they consent or not.

This data tracking is a tool for creating a profile of a customer.The more these ad
agencies know about potential customers, the more effectively they can
advertise to them.So long as it remains anonymous, it’s no more than annoying.
But as soon as a user is identified, and his movements start getting tracked
through the net, it’s no longer a laughing matter.

Blame it on cookies, these internet trackers that hunker down in your computer and make
sure you’re always recognisable.

“The advertising networks gather up a user’s surfing behaviour
and give him a globally unique identification number,” says Christian Krause of
the independent data security centre of the German state of Schleswig Holstein.

“Users with that kind of number on their computer can always be
recognised again.” That’s how an online store knows which pages you’ve already
looked at and what you did there. But personalised ads are the least of the
worries floating out there. Things can get really problematic when you’re on a
page where you have to log on with your name, like on a social network such as
Facebook or Google+.

“The problem is, that this data gets assigned to your name,”
says Thilo Weichert of the Schleswig Holstein centre.

That’s especially worrisome to privacy advocates, since this
name-linked data isn’t just for use by the advertising industry, but also
companies that want to know a customer’s background or more about his finances.
Government agencies also track this data.

And the demand for more data is only growing, according to a
study by Xamit, a consulting agency that specialises in data security. It
showed that 29.9 per cent of sites inspected during 2011 used a web statistics
service that allowed user tracking. The year before, that figure was only 24.7
per cent.

About three-quarters of those sites examined used a service that
did not adhere to data security standards, noted Xamit.

But there are strategies internet users can adopt against
attempts to suck up data.

“Users should always try to delete stored cookies and the
browser history after every internet session,” says Ragni Serina Zlotos of
German computer magazinec’t. “That’s possible with
all contemporary browsers. With Firefox, you can even set it so that the
cookies are automatically deleted after every session.”

But that strategy only works with normal cookies. Online
advertisers have upped the ante, now using flash cookies that, according to
data security experts, are saved on the computer, independently of the browser.
These have to be deactivated in the settings manager of Flash Player, which can
be found in the System Controls.

Firefox users should also consider the add-on Better Privacy,
which can delete flash cookies and so-called DOM storage cookies.

The browser add-on Ghostery, available for all browsers, also
provides some protection from internet snooping. It shows which tracking
services and advertising networks are currently following you, and then blocks
them. “This has a real ‘A-ha’ effect for a lot of users,” says Krause.

Ghostery also tries to block the tracking. “But you shouldn’t
count on that working. The programme performs differently depending on the
browser employed,” according to Krause.

A lot of browsers also come with do-not-track functions.“You can install the browser settings so that you’re not
followed,” says Zlotos. Whether internet trackers adhere to those rules is the
question. So far, Twitter has required them to honour it.

Another tip: if you’re going to do a lot of surfing with
Facebook or Google+, but don’t want to be recognised everywhere, use two
browsers, says Krause.

“You use the one for social networks, the other for all other
internet sites.” The little bit of comfort you sacrifice is made up for by the
protection it provides for your personal data.

The 20 Most Popular Passwords Stolen From Adobe

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The Top 20

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